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If you are struggling to sleep, then you are one of the 35% people of the world population. 

I know, how suffocating it is. You are trying to sleep, but not being able to. And the thought about next days schedule is making you more and more restless. Being night owl is good but being insomniac is definitely not. 

Above all, the entire world's working hour and activities do not depend on your sleep schedule. You have to cope up with the normal and universal schedule. 

I have also suffered due to this. Rushing to catch the bus in scorching heat after a completely sleepless night was more than mere nightmares.

Then I decided to solve this. Today, I am going to share the process I adopted.

First of all, do not be afraid of the night. I know you are. It is really stressful. Just believe that 'A problem cannot be bigger and powerful than you.'

Let's talk about the solution, do's and don'ts to have a great and relaxing sleep

1. Do not use Medicine

Sleeping pills are a big no. to solve a problem, you can not invite or start another one. Preliminary, you can say to yourself, 'Oh! I am just taking it for today'. Then another day will come, then another. And unconsciously it will become a habit. And your sleep will be depended on pills. I think you know the side effects of these pills.

2. No caffeine after 7 pm.

Caffeine is famous for making you awake. So this is not meant for you. Never take coffee after 7 pm. 

I am also a coffee lover but when I was on the verge of becoming insomniac my Doc suggested me this. And, yes, I got the result.

3. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol never helps you to get a good sleep. It works on your nerve. It brings back your memories and keeps your mind busy in thinking about unnecessary matters. You know, what I mean :)

4. Use fragrance

There are few fragrances which can help you to have a relaxing sleep.

Essential oils or room fresheners can help you. Mint, Lavender fragrances are really good. I always prefer incenses. You can try Himalayan Salt Lamps as well. 

5. Declutter your bedroom

Bedrooms are meant for sleeping. Not for working or watching Television. Our subconscious mind is smarter than we think. Do not program that in a wrong way.

6. Take a relaxing bath

Well, this is my favorite way. I love to have a warm, long and relaxing bath just before going to bed. You can use essential oils.

I am not telling you to take dips in lakes but do small things like using a soothing fragrant soap, lighting up candles etc.

7. Strech and Exercise

Being active is always my first preference in sleep matters. Just before bed, stretch a  bit. Do a simple workout in the evening. Walk after dinner. Swim for a few minutes. You do not need to do all these. Choose any one activity.

8. Read or listen to music

Reading is one of the best good habits. But do not read a stressful thriller or any motivational book. It will make you think about that entire night. Read light magazines, novels etc. You can try these books:

Listen to relaxing music. It soothes your senses.
You can try using white noise gadgets. It will help you to fall asleep fast.

9. Meditate

Meditate. There is no alternative for this. You need to let go of the thoughts, failures, ideas, and regrets of the day. And meditation is the only way to do so. I have already discussed meditation. 

5 Easy ways to meditate.

10. Make your bed in the morning

Make your bed. Do not procrastinate this simple task for the night. A cozy room with arranged bed works like a magic for a good sleep. If you do not believe me, then just try once.

11. Keep your electronic gadgets away

Do not keep your smartphone just beside your pillow. First of all, the blue ray is sleep snatcher. Secondly, the social media addiction is not helpful for sleep.

Do not watch TV before bed.

12. A darker room, a better sleep

Our body and senses are directly connected with our mind. When you be in a dark room, your body sends the signal to your mind 'hey, it's time to sleep'. So a dark room is always a good idea.

I hope these clues will help you to sleep better. I will suggest you wear a comfortable nightwear, to have any warm beverage before bed and not to sleep on an empty or full stomach. Do not forget to let me know about your sleep experiences. 

Sleep well and wake up with full energy.

It is really easy to go with the flow, without thinking about anybody just indulging in selfish interests. But striving for a better person is a better way to live a life. 

People do not remember the beautiful faces but they remember beautiful hearts. Success is not about competing with others, it is about competing with your own old version and be changed for better each time. Here we will discuss a few ways to be the best version of yourself. 

Scroll to know 8 steps to a changed and better you.


Do not dwell on the past. It is necessary for a healthy mental and physical balance. Well, I know it is sometimes really hard to forget about the past and I am not asking you to forget everything. Because we are just the sum of our memories. Our memories and experiences create our personality. But we must let go of the old grudges, and enmity. 

“ Do not be a problem, be a solution”  


When I was going through a tough time two motivational speakers saved my life. I have already quoted a line from one of them, yes I am talking about Sadhguru.To explore and learn life lessons from a guru like him visit isha foundation. He actually changed my life.

Stop blaming yourself for the past stories. Forgive others and forgive yourself. You are strong to do so. There cannot be any problem which is bigger than you. Believe your ability...


Let go of the old grudges and regrets but do not forget about the hidden lessons. Remember, every person and events occurred in your life had a purpose. The persons played their role and moved on. Life is a journey and they were the co-passengers. 

Learn from those past events and do not repeat the mistakes. It is necessary to contemplate on those events. Asking your inner self, the ‘Why’ and ‘What’. Ask repeatedly and do not forget to internalize the lessons.

Lessons are really very important to lead a meaningful life. A life without depth, meaning, lesson, and experiences are just like the empty vessels. 

Experiences helped you to be a girl from a kid, a lady from a girl ..so you know the importance of such experiences. 


Be an eager learner. I always tried to learn from everything and everyone. It is not about self-bragging or something like that. I was never a topper. But a consistent learner. Be someone who is able to talk about anything and everything.

There is a saying: 

"A learned lady is a dangerous thing."

There are a lot of things to know, a lot of biographies to motivate you and books are really your best friend. Books are capable enough to change the way you use to think or see or perceive things. 

To communicate with different people you need to know a few things, you need to be a learned lady. Your words must carry some value and weight. Loose talkers never get ears, ladies...

That does not mean that you have to keep talking about something you do not know. Knowledge is an asset and the human mind is capable of storing a lot of data.


Write down your flaws, values, ideas, short and long-term goals. Write down everything. It is not only required to keep you focused but for decluttering your mind as well.

Journaling is a good habit for analyzing and rethinking your own goals. Be honest with your own diary. It will help for self-assessment. Writing down everything is also helpful to be more organized.

We will discuss in a different article about writing down your goals and why it is really very important for you...


Learn to be alone. Enjoy your own company. If you are unhappy with your self then how can you expect someone to be happy with you?

Enjoy your ‘Me’ time. Do whatever you want. Develop a skill, cook, listen to music, gardening or anything to enjoy. 

Enjoy your own time to develop yourself, inside out. It is not at all loneliness. It is a power to stay happy without depending on others. Being social is good. But remember, it is better to cherish and feel the person inside you...She is the healer...trust me...


Life is a combination of hard and good times. But you must not forget to smile. If you observe your surroundings, sitting still on a park bench, you will notice enough reasons to smile a bit broader than usual. 

Try to exchange a smile with a stranger, you will instantly feel the good after that :)


Now, this is one of my favorites. Healthy Habits are the groundwork for a healthy life. Start small and set realistic goals, like:

-    I will drink a glass of water after waking up.

-    I will practice conscious breathing for one minute.

-    I will skip smoking before sleeping hour.

Well, I know this can be a never-ending list. And, trust me, I will talk about this, in some other article for sure.

I generally write down all of this new habits and a list and give tick after doing it unless I become habituated to doing all these things like - having 5 Almonds every morning, stretching once in between two or three hours of work etc.


You need a healthy mind to get your motivation to practice whatever I said. It is not easy to sit still for a long in the beginning. So, try to sit still for 5 minutes first. There are lots of guided meditation tracks available on the internet. Those can help you to do it.

You can try essential oils, candles, deep breathing and white noise techniques for meditation. There are different essential oils with different effects. Google about a few. I personally prefer Lavander, Sandle, and Mint. 

Here are a lovely pack of essential oils you can try:

Some more things you must give a thought:

-    Stay close to nature

-    Travel alone (solo traveling is cool just try once)

-    Practice Gratitude

-    Avoid Negative thoughts

-    Be kind

Honestly speaking this list cannot end. Because the ways to be better and good are really endless. We will explore the other possible ways in other articles.

I am really eager to hear your success stories. Comment and share with me...

Hope to see ‘the changed you’ 😼😼

I know… how it feels like feeling tired all the time. Trust me, I was one of you. 

I was so tired of being tired, that it was like a kind of depression. I was willing but not able to do the scheduled works. I started procrastination, odd sleeping cycles etc. Then I realized that I have wasted a lot of time and decided not to allow myself slouching on the comfy sofas anymore. I started researching the reason and remedies for this ‘fatigue’. Today, I’m gonna share with you the facts with you.

Symptoms of Fatigue

Before discussing the reasons and remedies of fatigue, you must understand the symptoms of fatigue to identify its effect in your life. If you have the following issues in your day to day life, then you are probably suffering from fatigue:

  •   A headache after exercise or work
  •   Drowsiness
  •   Tiredness for a whole day
  •   Sleepless nights
  •   Muscle cramps
  •   Irritation
  •   Low mood
  •   Irregular naps
  •   Lack of Concentration

Fatigue and It’s Reason

There can be a various reason behind feeling fatigue. I will not bombard you with a lot of medical terms, I am just simply mentioning the probable reasons :

  •     Hypothyroidism
  •     Obesity
  •     Sleep Disorder
  •     Diet Issue
  •     Chronic Depression
  •     Specific Medication
  •     Anemia
  •     Dehydration

So these are probable reasons behind your fatigue issues. Before starting any kind new diet or anything a best and safest way is to go to your doctor once and go through a few essential tests before it gets complicated.

Now let’s discuss the remedies. 


There are few foods that can help you to fight fatigue. These foods are :

a)    Oatmeal

The high in fiber breakfast is the source of energy. This food also contains a moderate amount of protein in it

b)    Beans

Beans are full of fiber, protein, and carbs. Carbs are essential for energy. So go and have some beans.

c)    Water

Dehydration is one of the biggest reasons behind fatigue. So whenever you are feeling down just try to gulp water. 

d)    Banana

Banana is a fruit rich in potassium. It is reputed for its energy supply. Just keep a banana in your bag and have it whenever you are feeling down.

e)    Green Tea

Green Tea is one of the wonderful drinks you can have to solve a number of issues. The combination of caffeine and L-theanine keeps your energy level without disturbing your sleep. 

Few more foods you can have are yogurt, watermelon, beetroot, spinach, any iron dense food etc.


Sleep is the most important requirement for a healthy lifestyle. The human body is a sophisticated machine, which needs rest. If your sleep quota is not fulfilled then feeling tired and fatigue is natural. 

If you are suffering from sleep deficiency then you have to work on that. Here are a few small tips.

a)    Make your Bed

Your bed must be comfortable. Make your Bed when you wake up. Always try to use clean bed sheet and pillow covers.

b)    Dark Room

Use proper curtains and switch off the light 30 mins before you sleep. Our body has its own response system. The body feels the need of rest in dark.

c)    No Gadgets

Keep your laptop, Television, and smartphones away from your bedroom. The bedroom is for resting not for working. Your social media addiction may be the reason behind your never ending fatigue.

d)    Exercise

Regular exercise is good for overall health. Don’t lay down. Just move your body. Dance or just stretch. The increased blood flow is necessary for a good sleep.

e)    Meditate

Stress can be a hidden reason behind your sleeplessness and tiredness. I have a lot of friends, told me about their continuous thoughts before sleep. Those thoughts are enough to snatch your sleep away.

3.    Bonus Tips

Apart from a good diet and good sleep, there are few more things you can do to get rid of fatigue. These are:

a)    Go and get some Sunlight

I know it is really very hard to get out of your cozy bed and go out. But believe me, you will feel the magical effect of sunlight once you get it. Go and enjoy the sunlight. It will boost your energy.

b)    Essential Oil

Essential oils of Lavender and Peppermint can soothe your senses and help you to win over fatigue.

c)    Hot water Bath

You can take a relaxing bath of Luke warm water. Feel Good. Smell Good. You will definitely feel comfortable after that.

And last but not the least, do not freak out about the fatigue. Apply these tips and be active. We have got a beautiful life. Live it fully. 

I wish this article will help you. If you like to read more please subscribe to get the free newsletters.

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