Hola! Well first of thank you for visiting this site and encouraging me to write few more good and helpful blogs for you, my girls!

Hey, I am Apsara, from Kolkata (Calcutta), India. I actually love to write and travel and cook and blah blah blah...But these are not the reason behind creating this blog or website. The main reason may seem a bit idiotic. 

From my childhood days, I could never answer two simple questions:

1) What is your aim in life?
2) What do you like to do?

Oh my God! I am just freaking tired of these two question and hate to answer as well. Because I never had a dream (weird! huh). And... I like to do soooo many things...

Like writing, painting, reading, traveling, working out, cooking, crafting...oh I mean...may I hate nothing..

So, naturally, I gathered pieces of information and acquired skills over the years and then thought to share all these. And what else can be a better option than blogging! Right!